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"Some feel the rain in advance: others are satisfied to be wet." Henry MILLER
Niouzes in short
for more local infos (Causses & the Cevennes) > here
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Click here to reach the page without-GMO.
" the GMO are a field where technical uncertainty is enormous, where the consequences are not measurable and where the legal environment is not adapted; not, one cannot cover the risks (food and environmental, note)"declared Claude Delpoux, director of the insurances of goods of responsibilities to the French Federation of the insurance companies, February 1. It was expressed in front of the parliamentary mission of information on the GMO.
Bloodstains on uniform with Saint-Hippolyte-of-Extremely
Mourad died two years ago, March 2, 2003, when one of the 17 balls drawn by the gendarmes from the brigade from Saint-Hippolyte-of-Extremely (Gard) reached it in full cranium in its escape. Today justice fencing to bury the business.
Autumn 2004: the file knows a new bounce when the patrol leader acknowledges to have lied on command. Was needed that the things is square, essential method to appear clean and legitimate this assassination. Since, it admits not having left its vehicle the weapon with the fist and not not to have given the command to draw. It is a fundamental reversal: since the gendarme, his same consents, did not feel not threatened, the thesis of the self-defence does not hold any more. Despite everything, the examining magistrate authorizes neither additional investigation nor new reconstitution... Whereas it is enough 48 hours so that a "Sarkozy, your mother" is transformed into firm prison, how long still be necessary will will screw this time for justice to make disappear the blood which sullies the uniform with the State and its armed bands?
So that Mourad does not die not choked after being killed by ball, support (in particular financial to pay lawyer) for: Association for Mourad, justice and equality for all, 68, street Marshal-Joffre, 30900 Nimes. Bulletin "Resistons together against sedentary and police violences" March 2005
Local elections take place currently with St-Hyppo following the demission of several city council men.
The intensive agriculture does not offer the best outputs ! Whereas the rule is to tear off the trees of the fields, to plant some improves the outputs of 30%. > THE CONTINUATION
Genetically Handled plants
The Verts elected officials with the Regional Council Languedoc-Roussillon presented a motion to prohibit the culture and the tests into full fields with GMO (or more exactly with PGM: genetically handled plants) voted at the time of the meeting of the Regional Council of July 28. Here, the text of introduction of this motion by Maryse Arditi, green regional adviser.
The area will support financially and juridically all the communes which will take decrees in this direction, in the event of dispute.
The surface of the cultures of genetically handled plants (P.G.M.) in increase in 2004
AFP 07/01/2005 - surfaces of the genetically modified cultures recorded a growth of 20% in 2004, the second strongest growth of their history, according to the annual report of the International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA) published Friday in Paris. |
For the first time, the development of the transgenic cultures was shown more important in the countries of the South than in the industrialized countries.
Here how! |
The American giant of Monsanto agrochemicals continued in the United States for corruption of a person in charge indonésien agreed to pay a fine of 1,5 million dollars. Legal information had been opened against Monsanto in the American federal capital for violation of the law on the corruption. The firm was shown to have poured a "illegal payment" of 50 000 dollars to a person in charge indonésien for the Department of the Environment. |
Private bridge > Toll bridge > moyennageux Bridge!
A bridge for what to make? Absurd transport!
The Scandinavian shrimps are dispatched with the kingdom of Morocco to be peeled there at prices defying any European competition. They set out again then towards Europe in the freezer wagons. By the viaduct of Millau?
First suicide top of the viaduct: January 14, 2005, a 59 year old man slipped between two plexiglass blades forming the screens windscreen of the bridge, in spite of the safety measures: cameras; curved screens, and cable anti-suicide enters the blades.
Inauguration of the tunnel of A75 de Lodève: Demonstration with Lodève against the arrival of Gilles de Robien on March 15, 2005.
" better for the population ", as 7 city council men affirm it out of 14 or the loss of a public utility and benefit for CGE ? Water is a common good, and not simple goods: the local communities must keep management of it.
More than 500 petitions signed to be opposed to this privatization. more information, telephone contact : 06-14-14-55-68.
Disappearance of the post offices: In Gard 101 communes are concerned.
Lbe stations were désafectées, the grocers and the bars disappeared, the schools are threatened of closing. Today it tower comes from the post office... We announce to you for soon the letter with 2,30 euros... > Lire
RD 999 : The press release of the Greens of Gard
The local group of the Greens of "Cevennes-Piedmont" and its representatives of the country viganais are astonished by the remarks made by the local socialist personalities during the public meeting which has just taken place in Vigan about the project of installation of the Secondary Road 999. In fact of "exercice of participative democracy" (sic), this meeting was the occasion only one propaganda road pro-transport. No answer was brought to the questions that the residents are posed on the crossings of Alzon, Bez, Arre or Cavaillac, and on the bridges or tunnels whose no construction or boring is considered. > the continuation
A text of Yves Frémion (president of Association Workshops of Tayrac)
Dourbie, which goes down from Aigoual towards Millau, is always quoted (alas with twists from now on) like one of the cleanest rivers of France. It is true that 20 years ago, one could drink its water to be refreshed. There was fishing, the bathe, the pedestrian excursion... > to read the continuation > here
A plane on takeoff emits the equivalent of four trucks - or thirty cars - traversing 100 km.
What happenhappens overflights in low altitude (as of forty meters!) by the Gusts of the Dassault father and other Mysteries or Mirages, southernmost causses?
Soon an answer (we seek!) on CAMINFERRAT.FREE.FR...
... While waiting, here an article of Jean-Marc Jancovici, author of many books on the climatic change, on the flight of the air traffic, symbolized by the presentation of A380, larger airliner of the world, which constitutes a true bomb for the climate.
Let us recall that the air fuels are not taxed today. They are not even subjected to the VAT.
The first wind French park "offshore oil rig" in the Mediterranean?
January 13, 2005 - Eleven projects of parks of wind mills installed on the open sea (of which one in the Mediterranean) were deposited in 2004.Le starting of the production of a first park of 500MW is envisaged before the 1er January 2007. The French offshore oil rig potential is estimated by the ADEME has 40 000 MW (either 25 nuclear engines)! Infos on the wind one > HERE
FILE BIODIESEL: sunflower on causse? In the heading " How to strike capitalism with porte-monnaie? "while achieving a gesture for the environment, here a complete file on the biodiesel. > TO READ |
climatic change
Last 24 May, from the ecologists gave to the Mercedes concession of the avenue of the Fields Élysées, the Tuvalu price (of the name of an archipelago of Oceania threatened to be submerged, soon, by the rise of the level of the ocean). A way of denouncing with humour the climatic against-performances of the last-born child of the mark to star: G500. Black, generally, this machine of 2,2 tons consumes 21 l/100 downtown (its field of predilection) and emits 400 g/CO2 per kilometer. A record.
Call counters the construction of one Mc C in Lozere
updated 5/12/2004
So that LEE died for nothing - one year ago, day for day, the country leader Korean Lee gave himself death in front ofOMC to Cancun. Nobody forgot the image of this peasant, outgoing of the rows of the demonstrators firmly contained by a service of an impressive nature, and planting a knife in the abdomen, in the indifference of the negotiators of OMC, well with the shelter in their room of conference. By this ultimate political gesture, Lee wanted to denounce in the whole world the unbearable diktat of an organization whose decisions, guided by the ideology néolibérale, destroy each day the life of million peasants in the world. Friday September 10, 2004
Bhopal : 20 years after... the victims always require justice of Dow Chemical It is in this day that Bhopal, in India, has commemorated for 20 years one of the greatest industrial catastrophe of our short industrial era (+ of 20.000 to date dead and 500.000 exposed people). The site of Bhopal is always soiled by a cocktail of chemicals around whose poor families always live. In 2001, Dow Chemical repurchased all the credits of Union Carbide but refuses the heritage of the responsibilities for the catastrophe.
The ICJB, International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal (infos on, on the initiative of this day, gather the association of the women victims of the intoxication by gas in 1984, and several organizations nongovernmental. This countryside claims the judgement of the chairman of the time, Warren Anderson, which, in spite of an international warrant for arrest, lives comfortably without hiding in the United States, and the responsibilisation of Dow Chemical with which it now returns to precisely compensate for the victims.
To support this request, we invite you to even target the multinational Dow Chemical it, at the national but so European level, as well as the American embassy in France to put the pressure on the request for extradition of Warren Anderson so that he is judged in India. You can take part in this cyberaction while clicking-here.
CYBERACTION: Mobile telephones, Television sets, Computers, we want products without poisons! Vis-a-vis with the medical and environmental risks, five large marks engage, Greenpeace launches a cyberaction While a new report/ratio of Greenpeace Netherlands shows the systematic presence of industrial pollutants in the blood of the population Dutchwoman, of important marks of products for human consumption, urged on by Greenpeace, take a step ahead towards the substitution of the dangerous chemical substances in their products. Greenpeace launches in parallel a cyberaction aiming of the large marks of electronics (portable telephones, PC and TV) which refuse to plan a step of substitution of the poisons in their products.
To act with Greenpeace, visit:
Nuclear engine EPR will not pass!
New national campaign of action at EDF
by the network To leave the Nuclear power > >
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